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Use Objections to Create Offers that Make Closing Easy, with Dave Valentine

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Dave Valentine is a serial entrepreneur who owns seven companies that work with thousands of clients around the world every single day. Dave believes businesses were built for people, and not for spreadsheets.

In this episode, we will learn how to create your offers from your customer's objections to land the proposals you didn't think possible.

What you’ll learn:
•    The importance of positioning your services to your buyers.
•    Why being everything to everyone isn't a viable strategy.
•    What to look for in an SDR partner.
•    How your buyer's objections can work to your favor in making the sale.
•    How to arrange your sales calls for maximum impact.
•    Why you can't dwell on bad calls.
•    How automation can be used to prevent burnout.
•    How to leverage LinkedIn to not annoy prospects.

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 The Creative Act: A Way of Being - by Rick Rubin

Soul Boom: Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution - by Rainn Wilson

The InWork Podcast with Dave Valentine


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101 Use Objections to Create Offers that Make Closing Easy, with Dave Valentine

2023, Hamish Knox
Full Funnel Freedom

Copyright 2023, Hamish Knox, Production assistance by Clawson Solutions Group. Find them on the web at


[0:00] 13 months later, we did $385,000 in revenue that month. And if you come up with a great offer that eliminates objections left, right, and center, you will sell your way to wherever you want to be.
This is the Full Funnel Freedom Podcast, supporting sales leaders and managers to improve their sales funnels from people to prospects. I'm Hamish Nox. In this show, you'll learn how you can improve your results, lead a great team, and hit more targets with Full Funnel Freedom.

[0:38] Welcome to the Full Funnel Freedom podcast. I'm your host, Hamish Nox. Today, we'll be getting ideas and insights from serial entrepreneur, Dave Valentine, who believes that businesses are built for people and not for spreadsheets.
Now let's hear from one of our affiliate partners.

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So my guest today, Dave Valentine, owns seven different companies that work with thousands of clients around the world every single day. As I mentioned in the opener, he believes that businesses are built for people and not for spreadsheets. Dave, welcome to Full Funnel Freedom. Still happy to be here, Hamish. Thank you for having me, brother. I'm super excited to chat with you today. I've given the audience the 30,000 foot view of who you are and what you do. Dive us down. You own seven different companies. I'm sure you got lots to share with us. So please take us away.
Yeah. So I started my first grown-up business when I was 25. 10 years ago yesterday, actually, I started my first company. Built that up and sold that in the summer of 2019. And then I started an SDR company right after that, an SDR agency, because it was outside of my non-compete. And we've been growing that up over the past, wow, four years now, which is pretty wild.

[2:17] And as we built that out, I kind of knew after I sold the first agency, I was like, you know, I really want to build an agency that can service a whole bunch of other companies.
So kind of like a hub-and-spoke model.
And I went, all right, so what does that look like? well.
Six out of the seven businesses that I own are all in the B2B space, whether I own two SaaS companies, but they're working with businesses exclusively.
I also own two other agencies, one's a PR firm, another one's a branding agency.
And then I have a program that I take agency owners and I teach them how to build, scale, and sell their agency well beyond seven figures because I've done that four times now.
Amazing. I teach people how to... Yeah, it's fun. And then the last one that I own is the one that's off the beaten path, but it's pretty enjoyable, which is I own a flight school with my brother. And really, that's just built out of a passion that he and I both share for flying. He's a pilot for American Airlines. And he and I have always talked about going into business together. It's a little over a year old and rocking and rolling, man. So that's a little bit about what we have going on. It's very, very fun. I love it. So the flight school, Are you training commercial pilots or are you training recreational?

[3:36] Both, actually. So, in the flight school, we have some, we call them part-time students that are doing the recreational route that are just hobbyists enjoying it. It's a very expensive hobby, by the way. You can take up golf instead. And then we do train some full-time students that they actually go through an entire program where they become commercial pilots. It's about $100,000 to go through the program, Hamish. But what's interesting is the day that you get out and you get hired by even a regional airline right now because they're are hurting for pilots so badly.
You're making six figures.
A1. And so we have a lot of young students that are coming in 18, 19, 21, and they're going, man, this is a way better investment than going to college because I know I'm going to have a very secure, stable job for the rest of my life that in 40 years, I'm probably going to retire.
And when I retire, I'll be making somewhere around $900,000 a year as a premier captain at a major airline. That's not a bad life. So it's a pretty cool program.
Yeah. Very cool. Thank you for sharing a bit more about the flight school.
I'm very curious to hear about this hub and spoke model related to supporting the businesses.
So when you talk about this hub and spoke, you've got all these six companies.
Who are you servicing? Are you literally servicing one company with everybody or are you kind of picking, choosing based on what the company needs at the time?

[5:01] Yeah. So basically the idea with the SDR company being the hub, SDR is an acronym for sales development rep.
So we're an outsourced sales development rep agency. What that means is we're booking business meetings to close new business on behalf of our clients and for our internal brands is what we call them on a daily basis.
So really we just kind of understood like early on, right? If you get leads coming in, then you have the opportunity to close them. If you can close the leads, then you have a business.

[5:35] And so we, yeah, pretty simple. So we use that agency to really move that forward.
But here's the cool part about the spokes.
The spokes then service the hub.
So the PR agency does work for the SDR firm. They also service some of the other spokes, right?
So our PR agency does a lot of podcast bookings, putting, making people guests on a podcast.
And we do that for some of the other internal brands that we own as well.
So making sure that we're getting authority building pieces of content out there alongside doing some other things like I own a product that improves SEO for a variety of websites.
Well, guess what? That means all of the other companies now have access to that data and they can execute on it or to improve their SEO.
So it's really this ecosystem that we've built where everyone's helping each other out and as one organization grows, it actually allows the other internal brands to grow along with it.
Brilliant, I love that. So when you are going to market or your team is going to market for the SDR company or these other spokes around the hub, How are you positioning what you do to your buyers?
Buyers for the services that we're doing? Exactly. Yeah.

[6:53] Yeah. So number one, keep it as simple as possible, right? I love to have one service that we provide at most two. And it usually has to be a second service that's like, on the back end after they've already become a client, right? And so we always lead with the singular service because so much of what I got wrong in my first business was trying to be be everything to everyone.
So somebody would be like, hey, Dave, do you guys run social media?
Well, you know what, we will next week.
Hey, I need a website. Cool, man, I gotcha. And we'll have that proposal to you in a couple weeks after I talk with my web developer that I haven't hired yet.
You know, and so I just did all these things because I thought if someone wants to pay me money and they have a pulse, then I'm gonna work with them.
And that served me for a while in the beginning. I had networked my way to a million dollar business in the first four years of that business, but it was brutal, you know, Hamish?
I almost had a heart attack at the age of 29. Yeah, my doctors at the age of 29, they did a stress test.
My wife was like, we had a kid and we had one on the way, and my wife was like, you know, you should go get a stress test and some blood work.

[8:05] Your last physical was in high school, or college rather, when you were playing sports. It's time.
So I go, they do the stress test. I go back a week later and all the blood work.
I said, hey Dave, how do you know, I'm talking to a doc and he goes, how do you know you're gonna have a heart attack? And I was like.
I don't understand that question, Doc." And he goes, you don't know when you're going to have a heart attack. You just have one.
He goes, we've tested 4,500 people. You're the most stressed out person we've ever tested.
Wow. I was like, sweet, I get the award.

[8:37] That's right. And he goes, if you don't change your behavior, you will be dead by the time you're 40. Yikes.
It's a foregone conclusion. So it really made me have to figure out how do you run business in a way that's sustainable? How do you run your life in a way that can, is still enjoying your life? Because I'm one of those guys that loves to achieve.
I'm sure like many of your listeners, same issue. And it's really important to me that I do that.
So I really had to take the time and readjust how I work, readjust how I live.
And part of that was figuring out how to work really smart. And part of working really smart is simplifying your message so that you can get more leads, close more deals, and grow your business in a sustainable fashion.

[9:21] Absolutely, I've worked for several companies who do the one-stop shop thing, sounds like very similar to you. And it's the consultant who's like, can you do this? Absolutely, and now we're on Fiverr or 99designs or whatever like, hey, I've got a project and can you do it for me?
And it doesn't work out because the cliche of if you're everything to everybody, you're nothing to no one is cliche for a reason because there is that grain of truth to it.
So what I'm hearing is you're going out to market or a lead's coming in, and maybe they see that you have this hub and spoke, but you're really narrowing their focus.
Is that accurate? Just like, hey, you came to us and asked for the entire menu.
Let's just look at the appetizers for right now, because that's really what you need.
Am I on the right path there?
Yeah. So for us, whenever we're reaching out, we're reaching out as one entity. So I'm reaching out... Avidel is the FCR company. I'm reaching out to them just about Avidel. I'm not talking about any other brand. Got it.
Then if we get to engaging and they're like, you know, I really need some authority builders to help me close some of the meetings you guys are booking. Well, by chance, we have a PR firm. They would love to help you with that.

[10:24] Vice versa, we have some people that will come in through one of the SaaS companies.
They're an agency and they're like, you know, this is great.
I love using Longtail Pro as my SEO provider, but I really need an agency that can help me understand what's going on here.
Or they're an agency owner and they're like, I really need to grow my agency.
I don't know what to do.
Well, then they get shipped over to me and so I help them. I put them through the Dream Agency Quest program.
So really, it's understanding that whenever we reach out, it's like, hey, we're gonna reach out as one singular brand.

[11:01] And when they need another service, we're not just gonna ship them to another department.
We're actually sending them to a totally different company with different leadership, with different teams.
And they service them because that's within that tight niche of we only do this one thing.
And so that's what really makes it easy for people to grab hold and see lots of great results.
I love that. So when we look at the SDR business, because SDR businesses can be challenging, right?
I've had several clients who have worked on an outsourced SDR type company. Usually, it's just an appointment setting business, not necessarily closing. But the challenge is that it's not their company. How have you set up your company to create, to get around those roadblocks and reduce those red flags that a lot of companies have when they hear outsourced, SDR, outsourced call center type firms? Yes, we've done it a few ways. I think.

[11:54] That there's... It's interesting. I was having this conversation with somebody yesterday. So this will be fun. Perfect. So we launched the SDR firm in September of 2019. Of course, we couldn't predict that six months later, we're going to have a global pandemic that's going to shut stuff down. Sure.
So imagine going from zero to 150,000 in revenue in six months. We're growing. We're thriving. We're building it up. March 2020 happens and half of our clients leave in a month, not because we're not producing results, but because they don't know how they're going to pay their bills.
Remember, the first four weeks, there were talks in different congresses for different countries, like, are we going to do this? What are we going to do? America lagged. And I'm in America and most of our clients are in the States. And so it was like, what's going on?

[12:42] Oh, we don't know. So we just lost clients because... So we had to start engaging with people in a new way. We really had to shift. And one of the things that we saw happen all through 2020, up to a certain point, was we just continued to see a decline in clients, not because we're not getting results, but because there was all this fear, this terror, how do I do this? Fair enough.
So what we started to do is we said, okay, what's the thing that's holding everybody back from engaging with us in a new way? And really, that was the big question.
And that's my favorite question to ask salespeople and marketing people.
What's the biggest reason why people don't even say yes to a meeting with you?
What's going to prevent them from saying yes to signing? It's the objections, Hamish, that I find to be so freaking interesting, because that's where the gold is. And everybody... I used to get so afraid of the objections when I was... Earlier on in my career, I'm like, oh man, what am I going to say?
At this point, I go, what objections do you have?
And they'll list off a bunch of them. And I go, okay, so if I have a solution for this, this, this, and this, can we work together?
And they go, yes. And then I give them those solutions. And they go, wow, this is an easy sale.
And so, it's just really starting to understand in the psyche of your prospects, what's the biggest question they have.
So, in 2020 and into 2021, the biggest question that people had was, can you actually book me meetings?

[14:04] That was it. Makes sense. actually book meetings? Like I know that you say you can but who cares? So we said, cool, we'll give you three meetings free. No strings attached. We'll book you three meetings.
We'll get you all ramped up. We'll show you that we can do it and then you can decide to be a client or not. By the way, here's the price if you decide to be a client. Cool. What that did for everyone was I charged a premium. I charged more than I was before. I increased my prices pretty steeply. Nice. We were closing more people on the three free in total. We were closing after we got the three free, about 60% of them. Now, some people hear that and go, oh my gosh, you've serviced 40% of them and you didn't get them closed.
Yes. However, we signed way more new business with that model than the previous model that we had every single month. Wow.
So, by the time we got, we were at our lowest point, we got down to $25,000 per month in revenue.
We went from $150,000 down to $25,000 because clients were just like, we don't know how we're going to pay for things. We don't know how we're going to pay for things.
Yeah. We're not going to pay for that.
Two, fast forward after we've been doing that three free model, 13 months later, we did $385,000 in revenue that month.
Amazing. And if you come up with a great offer that eliminates objections left, right, and center, you will sell your way to wherever you want to be.

[15:24] That's a beautiful way of saying it and it comes from that place of servicing the buyer, right? The prospect, as opposed to I've got an offer, right?
I've got a thing. Yeah, you and everybody else.
So I love this idea of understanding what are their objections up front and getting them to say it, right? When it comes out of their mouth, it's real.
So as you've expanded this out into your other organizations, what sort of response, like when you initially did this, or even to this day when you still bring these objections up, how do the buyers react?
Because that's not a normal way of selling, like you said, a lot of salespeople are like, oh, don't bring this up, don't bring this up.
And then when we bring it up front, how do your buyers typically react?
I hear so often, this sounds too good to be true. And it's funny, Hamish, I've had people walk away from the deals because they're like, this sounds so good, I just can't believe it. There's no way.

[16:21] I'm like, okay, that's your problem, man. I'm telling you, that's your thing.
I've also had people be like, this is the easiest sales call I've ever had.
And so, because they're just like, you made it so easy, Dave.
So here's how I set up every call, and it's not rocket science, Hamish, but it blows people's minds when I share this with them. So I think it's worth sharing.
We get on a call and I go, ''Hey Hamish, super glad to be chatting with you.
I took a look at your website before we had got on the call.
I know a little bit about what you're doing, but I'd love to hear more about it from you.'' Kind of what led to the phone call today. Then you would say, ''Well, here's what I'm up to.
Here's why I scheduled the call. I need more meetings. I get a bunch.'' Cool. All right. Awesome.
Well, here's what I'm going to do at the end. About 15 minutes into this call, Hamish, I'm going to do one of two things.
One, I'm either going to say, hey, we're not a good fit for each other and I'll give you back 15 minutes of your time.
That happens, honestly, 55 to 60% of the time because not everybody's a great fit for our service. Fair enough. Bye.

[17:27] If we do get to that point and you're qualified, then I'll say, hey, Hamish, guess what?
You're qualified. And at that point, I'm gonna detail out an offer that's so good, it's gonna be impossible for you to say no.
At which point, I'm gonna send you the agreement, you're gonna sign it, and we're gonna get to work together.
Sound good? And people go, that sounds awesome.
Great. So I go through and I do a whole bunch of discovery questions.
I'm like, tell me how you're doing this. Tell me what you're doing that.
What happens if you don't fix this problem that you're bringing up to me?
What does that cost you? Not what does it cost you to solve it?
What does it cost you if you don't solve it?
What happens if you don't meet your sales goals? And so then we're just talking through it.
And then at the end, if we get to that point, right, they're like, I'm like, hey, you're qualified.
Then I just go, okay, Hamish, let's just say that I could solve all of your problems.
What does the perfect offer look like for me to solve all your problems?
Then they tell me what they wanna hear.
And then I go, hey, how much does that solution cost? Then they'll tell me.
And then I'll juxtapose the two things. I'll be like, okay, you have a $1.5 million problem.
You told me that when we were talking the first 15 months.
You only wanna pay 50 grand for that. Do you think that that 50 grand for the 1.5 makes sense?
Like, probably not.
Okay, what would make sense? Because that's a 30X on the return.
What would make sense? You know, we could probably spend 100K.

[18:50] Now here's what just happened. They're gonna pay me more. They went from being on a bottom tier plan to being on a top tier plan.
And we're gonna hit all the high notes. Then I give them a guaranteed number of minimum meetings that we're gonna book for them. And they go, holy crap, man.
Well, what happens if you don't hit the minimum number? And I go, well, here's the cool part.
If we don't hit the minimum number, I'll work for free for 90 days.
If I still can't hit it, I'll give you your money back on a prorated basis.
They're like, who are you?
I'm like, the guy that solves your problems, man.
And so then it becomes just an easy conversation And that's what it should be for everyone.

[19:24] Love it. Very cool. Yes. And it's about them. You're talking about people, not spreadsheets.
And selling has often been not, there's still a human bead, but it's a spreadsheet, right? Oh, I got to say this to Dave. Oh, I got to say this to Dave. Oh, I got to say this to Dave. Oh, I got to say this to Dave. And by the way, you're saying things that don't correlate with the spreadsheet, but I have to follow the spreadsheet. So then all of a sudden you're like, is this guy actually even listening to me? Does he actually even give a crap about me and my business or is he just trying to work through a spreadsheet so that he can eventually ask for my business?
And what it sounds like you're doing is you're flipping that script. Fair?

[20:02] Yep. Yeah, 100%. Yeah. And so it's really understanding too, like to your point, you have to understand your prospect.
Like, they don't care about you at all. So you have to have a different mentality about how you're going to go about this.
And in that different mentality, you really have to understand that people just do not think about you at all.
And when you get to a comfortable spot where you realize that they're the hero in their own journey and you can speak to that, now you're going to sell and market like a champ.
Amen. Yeah. One of the things we teach our clients is or we ask them like, hey, you've ever got one of those calls during dinnertime and they asked for Mr. Valentin or whatever and you're like, okay, you had to click.
And I said, how often, how long do you think about that call afterwards?

[20:56] And it's like, I don't think about it at all or maybe 10 seconds or whatever.
I said, awesome. So why are you thinking about that prospect call more than 20 seconds after you make it?
They just said no to you, go find someone else. There's more fish in the sea. Okay.
There's more fish in the sea. Yeah, man. And it's fun. It's fun to just go... I think that there's a really interesting stat that I talked about with the SDR firm a lot. And that stat and that number is that at any given point in time, if you're selling business to business, it's different business to consumer. Business to business, 3% to 5% of businesses are looking for the solution that you're providing right now. So what that means is you hit up 100 people, only 3% to 5% of those are actually looking for your service, your solution, right? So really to get where you want to be in the right numbers, for me at least, I'm like, you've got to hit up 2000 people in a.

[21:48] Month in order to find 60 to 100 that are looking for your solution. And then you have to have really simple messaging so that people go, yes, I need Hamish. No, I don't. And that's it.
Easy, easy. So when we're doing that, because we only have 24-7, 365, that's the time that we've been given. Of course, most buyers are not answering the phone at 11.59 PM. And if they are, then there's probably something else going on. So how can we, as a sales leader, get our team to find those people in the most effective use of their time? Because they're not going to be be calling 12 hours a day, how can we get them to actually get to those numbers without.
Burning them out? Well, the good part about living in 2023 is that automation is real. And that it's effective. Fair. True.
You know, when I first started trying to do cold outreach and cold calling.

[22:45] Not in my job, but in my business, I was doing a very unscalable method. So what I would do in the first business, because we're doing social media management for the most part, I would go find a bunch of prospects that I wanted to reach out to.
Right. I'd send it over to my business partner who's a graphic designer. I'd put together some tweets because that was the most simplistic way to find their social media platform. We'd re-edit their tweets and show them what we would do instead with different copy and new imagery. And we would say, this is what your Twitter feed could look like. And so it was a tremendous amount of work.
I mean, you can imagine the hours that took into doing that for 100 prospects.
It worked, but it just wasn't very efficient.
So, my recommendation now to people is, look, there are LinkedIn automations.
There are email automations. There are even Twitter DM automations.
There's things that can give you some economies of scale for sure.
The other thing that I think is really smart is just being intelligent about appearing to be human.
So, one of my favorite things to do if you're using an email or LinkedIn automation.

[24:00] What would the experience actually be like, right?
So, an example, if I'm sending an email, hey, I'd love for you to come to this webinar, da-da-da-da-da, right?
One of my favorite things is to hit reply, like have a reply email, go out within an hour and say, oh, by the way, I forgot to mention this other detail.
I'm so sorry, I hit send too fast. Wait, you're a real person, but it's all automated, right?
With LinkedIn, the biggest mistake that people make with automated LinkedIn outreach is, hey, I'm gonna send you a connection request, and as soon as you connect, hey, here's my pitch.
Drives me nuts. I know it drives you nuts too. It's like, no, what would a genuine connection be like?
You get a connection and you say, you have a breath.
You don't reach out for 24, 48, 72, 96 hours.

[24:59] And in that reach out, you just go, hey man, I'm super glad we connected.
I checked out what you have going on, or I talked with a buddy of mine and we're having this conversation and it made me think about you, and you send them a resource.
So one of my favorite things to do is to send people resources that are infusing my ideas into their brain, but they're not written by my company. So like I'll use HubSpot data, I'll use Salesforce, I'll use whatever.
And I'm just like, hey, I just wanted to send this to you just so you know, because I think about this all the time and I'm always trying to solve for it. If you have any solutions, I'm excited to hear them.
Wait a minute, you're asking if I have any solutions, if there's something, you're trying to give me a resource, you're not trying to sell me, and if you take the approach on social media that I'm going to give for a dozen messages and they extend over time, Before I ask, it's shocking how many people are like, hey dude, you get to like the fifth message.
Dave, you've sent me like five or six different articles and podcasts and whatever.
Your stuff is awesome. I checked out your LinkedIn profile.
I think that we need what you do. Cool, let's talk.
Awesome. So anyways, I think that there's ways that you can find automations. I also think that there's ways that you can just block off your time. Hey, for the next two hours, I'm making cold calls.

[26:15] That's what I'm up to. And make it a contest with yourself, your teammates, whatever. And just realize that the game is you're creating a pond to go fishing in.
Totally. Totally. And when a prospect pulls us forward, we can't be a pushy salesperson because it's their idea. They're the ones who are pulling us forward, which is absolutely brilliant.
So Dave, you shared earlier a story about being the most stressed out person your doctor had ever profiled. So you won that one and you made some changes. Other than that, if you could go back and talk to younger Dave, however far back younger Dave is and go, hey, younger Dave, where you are in 2023, you own these awesome companies, you're servicing all these thousands, of clients around the world, but you have a lot of scar tissue, you have a lot of bumps and bruises, what would you coach younger Dave to say or do differently that you'd get to the same spot, but maybe a few less bumps and bruises.
Yeah. The stories that you tell yourself are the things that make you really sick. Okay.
So, I talk with business owners all the time because I have this much success, Hamish, but it's a lot more success than a lot of people experience in their life.

[27:24] And they go, how do you run seven businesses and you seem so relaxed? How do you do this all remotely. How are you doing this? And what I tell them is, it's all about the story you tell yourself. So, if you haven't signed a client in a while and you're like, it's it, it's over, this is all the self-talks that we say out loud. I'm never going to sign another client, it's all going up it.

[27:50] It's very stress and anxiety inducing. And if you instead take the approach of, yes, what's happening right now is that I haven't signed a client in a month and that doesn't feel good and this too shall pass.
And then on the flip side, when you're on the high and you're like, this is it, we're, going to take over the world, it's over.

[28:18] Just remember, this too shall pass and it's always a cycle of this too shall pass.
And so, just realizing that if you're telling yourself a story of it's always going to be this way, whether that's negative or positive, oh, the ship is sinking, it can't be saved.
Oh, the ship will never take on water again.
Just realize you have to be more even keeled and balanced and every day show up, as I like to tell my staff, every day show up and do what we do.
Just do what we do.
You know, whether that's you're in sales or marketing or you're running the technical side of things, it doesn't matter.
Show up and do what you do. Love it. Very cool. Thank you for sharing that advice with us, Dave.
Are someone who is always learning and developing on your own self professionally and personally, what are you reading, listening to or watching that the audience might want to check out as well?
Oh, man. So, that's a fantastic question. I love audiobooks, Hamish, and I am absolutely.

[29:27] Obsessed with them. So, the ones that have been really lighting me up lately, if you haven't picked up Rick Rubin's The Creative Act way of being.
This is an absolutely phenomenal book. Even if you don't see yourself as a creative, I strongly encourage you to pick it up.
Now, listen, I'm a sucker for like a good, nice binding and like well-designed book.
And he did an excellent job there. I really, really recommend that.
And then one of the things that I see all the time, Hamish, and I started a podcast called the In Work Podcast to kind of address this.
It's about the things that we do in work to be successful, but it's also about the inner work that we do to experience that success.
And we talk about how do you build a business, how do you generate the leads all the time.
But I know from my own experience that the soul work you do, whatever you wanna call the soul, you could be an atheist and you will understand what I mean, is that there's an inner being that we have to foster and cultivate and spend time with.
I've really been enjoying Rainn Wilson, who played Dwight from the American version of The Office.
He just released a book called Soul Boom, and he's talking about why we need to engage with the soul today, and why it's more relevant than ever.
And it's a beautiful, beautiful book, and it's one of those things where.

[30:51] As business owners, as high-level marketers, salespeople, in leadership in any business, you really have to find your center.
I know that I lost it, and that's why my physical health was exceptionally struggling when I was 29.

[31:08] Fair enough. Thank you for sharing those. We'll certainly put those links in the show notes.
So Dave, last question for you today. What would you like to leave us with?
Something to plug, a closing bit of wisdom or insight? The floor is yours.
Yeah, so the things that I have going on right now that are pretty fun.
I'm speaking at TEDx Conference in Cleveland in a few weeks, May 19th of 23.
And I'm looking for more speaking engagements. So if you're looking for a speaker to come talk about core values, I just wrote a book on that and how that improves company culture, morale, and sales. I'm down.
I also have a whole talk that I give Hamish on how to use people's objections to create offers that get you more leads and more sales.
And it's absolutely unreal how powerful that is.

[31:57] And so I'd love to speak at those. And then the last thing I'd say is check out the In Work podcast. It's one word.
Hamish, I'd love to have you on as a guest sometime, by the way, it'd be exceptionally fun for our audience to have you on.
And we're doing some cool stuff with that, so. Very cool, well, I certainly accept your offer.
I'd love to chat some doing the, talking about the soul and the inner work is something that I'm super passionate about as well.
So Dave, delighted to have you on as a guest. Our first visit offline was amazing.
I'm looking forward to carrying on our conversations offline being a guest on your podcast.
Thank you for being a guest on Full Funnel Freedom. Thanks so much, Hamish.
You've been listening to the Full Funnel Freedom podcast. I've been your host, Hamish Knox. Today, we have been getting ideas and insights from serial entrepreneur, Dave Valentine, about many things. But what really stood out to me today is taking the objections that your buyers have, bringing them in up front and creating offers that make it easy for them to say, yes. The Full Funnel Freedom podcast is brought to you by Sandler Calgary. Do you desire to to dominate your niche and seek to scale sales sustainably, go to forward slash how to Sandler to book an initial 15 minute call.
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[33:20] Thank you for listening to Full Funnel Freedom with Hamish Knox.
If you want to increase your sales with ease, Go to full funnel freedom.

[33:30] Music.